Getting over chronic stress needs a long term effort. It depends upon the type of stress, sometimes our body stress over many mundane things and that happens because we overthink, and it is truly said that overthinking makes the problem look bigger and when in stress it is not advisable to make decisions, so for that moment the only requirement is to calm down and bust the stress.

Work-life consultant and author Joe Robinson states that “the stress spiral is weakest at the very beginning of the cycle, so that’s when you want to contest it.”

Without considering the type of stress is it personal stress or work stress, a stress buster is much needed in all cases, as the stress is causing you same amount of damage. If stress is work-related stress it affects the personal life and vice versa. Also, it’s not only about affecting people or work around you but also all about how it is affecting you within, which is not really healthy for your well-being.

The bitter truth is, you are not going to live a completely stress-free life and little amount of stress is healthy because any way perfect is boring.

Like a heartbeat with up and down lines means life, in the same way, our life is about ups and downs, things will break down in order to rearrange, and this is the thumb rule of the universe.

Learning where to stress and where not to stress is essential. Once this is done the stress pattern won’t harm.

Usually, meditation can be the powerhouse to bust your stress, but sometimes situations are in a way where you cannot, such situation asks for some unique stress bust ideas in order to relax!

Things you can do to bust your stress:

Free Dance: Go wild and crazy, lock yourself in a room, play music at a very loud pitch and dance like a kid and bust your stress.

Go out on a walk with planned destination: Plug in your earphones go out on a long walk and plan where to go, just walk and focus the rhythms and the footsteps and see where your mind ends up. And that journey will be the phase where you will enjoy the solitude and a point of self-realization.

Do something good for someone else: Go visit an orphanage or old age home to donate things, or do something good to someone and make a soul happy and see how quickly you bust your stress.

Hydrate: Whenever we are angry or stressed, we usually have our family or friends say “calm down, drink water first”. Fluids will balance your hydration level which makes you feel better instantly. Reload your body’s hydration with Fast&Up Reload! It gives you a healthy fizz, exciting flavors (Berry and Cola) and is easy to carry. We all know nice taste is an instant mood changer and a stress buster. One effervescent tablet with so many benefits — hydration, flavor and stress buster!

And this is how you can keep stress at bay in a unique way and live a healthy life.

Original Source- http://bit.ly/2Xnn4ek

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