Who doesn’t want to have a perfect looking gym fit physique? Especially when you are juggling many roles in your daily life!

Undoubtedly if you are an entrepreneur — you run a business your lifestyle is very hectic. Responsibilities are more. Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean your personal fitness and lifestyle should be sacrificed.

To all the entrepreneurs out there, you have been through so many situations where you have been challenged and you have won, then why let this one go?

It is completely fine if you don’t get time to work out daily, you make things work no matter how hard the situation is. We can help you have your cake and eat it too! See our hacks tailor-made for you –

6 health tips for busy entrepreneurs:

Ditch vehicles for a short distance: When you know you don’t have to go anywhere far, say no to vehicles commit yourself that you will walk at least 15 minutes daily, you don’t get time to work out that’s okay, make that happen during work.

Hotels having gym: Make sure while you travel, you stay in a hotel having gym facilities so that you find some amount of “me” time and work out there!

Diet: Diet is in your control make sure whatever you eat has high nutritional value and fibers in it.

Multivitamins: It’s a fact that a multi-vitamin supplement has the ability to maintain our overall daily wellness, and when you live a hectic lifestyle it happens that at times you are sleep deprived, or sometimes because of your busy schedule you skip your meals, that is why incorporating multivitamins in your daily diet is important which will fill up the essential nutrition gap.

Fast&Up Vitalize is India’s favorite effervescent range of nutrition, Vitalize will serve you with a broad spectrum of 12 essential vitamins, 9 minerals and it has a nitrate rich beetroot extract with 7% natural nitrate content in it, natural nitrate rich beetroot extract helps in smooth blood circulation which will maintain heart health and improve your performance.

To know more about Vitalize click here.

Intake water: Dehydration is deadly! Every tissue, every cell and every organ in your body demands water to work properly. Hydrate your body with India’s first effervescent Informed-choice electrolyte. It is a certification program which ensures that the particular product is all banned substances free and is completely safe to consume. #HydrateClean

Seafood: Seafood is good for health, seafood will serve your body with lots of benefits at a time, and seafood is low in fat, low in cholesterol, high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Original source- http://bit.ly/2PEo8HL

PMS (Please Make It Simple)

Dear Periods,

You Complete me.

Thanking you,

A proud woman.

Out of 5 it is surveyed that 4 women go through this phase every month. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is also known as ovarian cycle syndrome or premenstrual tension. Premenstrual syndrome has variety of symptoms like mood swings, restlessness, tender breasts, food cravings, depression, muscle pain and many more, study says there are 150 symptoms of PMS and these symptoms vary from person to person.

And it is completely fine to feel that way, get hyper, expect to pamper, get mad at silly things because all these things are your body’s way of reacting to periods.

Premenstrual Syndrome is estimated to start 5 to 10 days before your menstruation cycle begins and just goes like once your menstruation begins.

According to the journal American Family Physician, on and around 80% of women face more than one symptom that does not really affects daily functioning. Around 32% of women claim to suffer moderate to severe symptoms and around 3–8% of women face premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) issues.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is a state where PMS gets severe, and this definitely affects your daily functioning and this is the time you should visit to the doctor.

What causes PMS?

During the second half of the menstrual cycle, the female hormone (progesterone) level shoots up and as soon as the menstrual cycle begins the female hormone (progesterone) and estrogen which is another female hormone both together drops down. These changes in hormones cause PMS symptoms.

Premenstrual Syndrome changes along with the age, it may get worse in the later stage of the 30s or 40s and result in menopause, and menopause is a stage after which your menstrual cycle gets stopped.

Tips for how to treat your PMS

Nutrition and lifestyle changes should be the first and foremost step to be taken.

● Consider whole grains in your diet, as whole grains help to keep the blood sugar level stable, and by doing this your cravings will stay under control and will prevent mood swings which are associated with PMS.

● Cut down on sodium by avoiding food which is salty. Cutting down sodium will help control stomach bloating.

● Reduce on caffeine intake, it will help you feel less tense.

● Most important hydrate as much as you can.

Minerals and vitamins that you could count on?

Certain Minerals and Vitamins are really important to count in for our daily supplementation. During periods, we lose blood from our body, so it is important to fuel the body with supplements rich in vitamins and minerals.

According to the study, Calcium helps reducing PMS Symptoms like cravings, depression, and fatigue wherein Vitamin B6 helps in reducing restlessness, mood swings, bloating and anxiety. Magnesium helps to prevent from serious issues (if you face any) for example like a migraine.

Fast&Up Fortify is India’s favorite effervescent range of nutrition. Fortify will satisfy the demand of all the three areas. Fortify will serve you with the highest amount of elemental calcium. Magnesium content in it will save you from cramps.

Fortify basically takes care of your complete bone health.

To know more about Fast&Up Fortify click here.



You shouldn’t be ashamed of it, feel proud that you bleed!

Original source- https://www.fastandup.in/blog/pms-please-make-it-simple


The buzz of coffee is addictive we all know, but have you ever tried to peep in and look at the other side of it?

Coffee contains caffeine, and caffeine is one of the biggest reason for blood pressure issues. Caffeine can cause insomnia, it increases the risk of heart attacks among young adults and could cause indigestion problems. Caffeine also raises risk for expecting mothers.

The most horrifying among all of them is dehydration, dehydration is from where all the health issues start from — acidity, skin problems and many more.

No matter how addicted you are towards coffee, you can easily wean off through it with the help of following Coffee Alternatives

LEMON WATER- Lemon water any day will make you feel refreshed! It will rehydrate your body. Lemon water is also a rich source of Vitamin C, as it is antibacterial in nature that helps to prevent many infections. Hydrate your body with lemon water which will serve your body with electrolytes.

APPLE- An Apple a day keeps the doctor away” — you have definitely heard it! Did you know apple also makes you feel fresh? Apple is stuffed with Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E. Apples are rich in fiber and have a sufficient amount of water in it. Wherein Caffeine

● increases the risk of heart problems, apples are good for your heart. Apples have less sugar making it a diabetic friendly fruit.

COCONUT WATER- Coconut water acts as a skin cleanser. It prevents you from blood pressure problems, cures hangover, prevents kidney stones, reduces hair loss, helps heal skin related problems like acne and skin tan. There are endless benefits of Coconut Water! It goes well in any season.

GREEN TEA- Green Tea is loaded with nutrients and many health benefits. You can get over belly fats easily with the help of green tea. Green tea is a lot more than just fluid. It helps to prevent dental problems and good for your heart.

ACTIVATE — Fast&Up Activate is a pre-workout product. Activate is an effervescent tablet that you can replace Coffee or caffeine products as your pre-workout drink. Activate is a combination of L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Lycopene, and Zinc. It is the perfect pre-workout formula that gives you the kick but not the caffeine side-effects! Vegetarian, gluten-free and completely caffeine free, Activate comes a pack of 10 effervescent tablets in one tube.

Activate helps to enhance the Nitric Oxide content in your body which increases the performance capacity. Fast&Up Activate is banned substances free and 100% Vegetarian product. Activate is available in a refreshing orange flavor. The effervescence make Activate a healthy fizz for an activity you!

To know more about Fast&Up and products Click here.

Wean off your addiction and maintain your health!

Original Source- http://bit.ly/2XvsrIn


Getting over chronic stress needs a long term effort. It depends upon the type of stress, sometimes our body stress over many mundane things and that happens because we overthink, and it is truly said that overthinking makes the problem look bigger and when in stress it is not advisable to make decisions, so for that moment the only requirement is to calm down and bust the stress.

Work-life consultant and author Joe Robinson states that “the stress spiral is weakest at the very beginning of the cycle, so that’s when you want to contest it.”

Without considering the type of stress is it personal stress or work stress, a stress buster is much needed in all cases, as the stress is causing you same amount of damage. If stress is work-related stress it affects the personal life and vice versa. Also, it’s not only about affecting people or work around you but also all about how it is affecting you within, which is not really healthy for your well-being.

The bitter truth is, you are not going to live a completely stress-free life and little amount of stress is healthy because any way perfect is boring.

Like a heartbeat with up and down lines means life, in the same way, our life is about ups and downs, things will break down in order to rearrange, and this is the thumb rule of the universe.

Learning where to stress and where not to stress is essential. Once this is done the stress pattern won’t harm.

Usually, meditation can be the powerhouse to bust your stress, but sometimes situations are in a way where you cannot, such situation asks for some unique stress bust ideas in order to relax!

Things you can do to bust your stress:

Free Dance: Go wild and crazy, lock yourself in a room, play music at a very loud pitch and dance like a kid and bust your stress.

Go out on a walk with planned destination: Plug in your earphones go out on a long walk and plan where to go, just walk and focus the rhythms and the footsteps and see where your mind ends up. And that journey will be the phase where you will enjoy the solitude and a point of self-realization.

Do something good for someone else: Go visit an orphanage or old age home to donate things, or do something good to someone and make a soul happy and see how quickly you bust your stress.

Hydrate: Whenever we are angry or stressed, we usually have our family or friends say “calm down, drink water first”. Fluids will balance your hydration level which makes you feel better instantly. Reload your body’s hydration with Fast&Up Reload! It gives you a healthy fizz, exciting flavors (Berry and Cola) and is easy to carry. We all know nice taste is an instant mood changer and a stress buster. One effervescent tablet with so many benefits — hydration, flavor and stress buster!

And this is how you can keep stress at bay in a unique way and live a healthy life.

Original Source- http://bit.ly/2Xnn4ek


Firstly let us understand that what self-care actually is?

When we think from the right side of brain self-care is self-pampering, self-grooming or any fancy imagination. But the reality is there is a lot more to it. With every experience, we realize that self-care is making our soul happy by doing something which will serve us with inner peace.

Why rely on someone else to take care of us when “I can take care of myself” is enough to do so?

All it takes is the right way.

Everyone is selfish, but are you selfish about your health?

Self-improvement is self-care. Being selfish is a default characteristic but how about changing that from negative to positive?

If we can’t change the characteristic we can at least change it to something good!

And honestly, nothing can overpower the positive vibes.

Let’s self-care and be selfish in a better way,

Tips to Self-Care:

Meditation: Meditation is the perfect getaway for self. Guide yourself to a world where you are away from all type of distraction. Meditation helps you find your inner peace, and this will be the time you will dedicate to the universe.

Forgive Yourself: Take a step towards self- improvement, take back the power from people who control your emotions, allow yourself to say no to- things that no longer serve you to grow. Free your soul from all the guilt that is making your heart heavy, let it all go and move forward with forgiveness.

Let your words flow positively: Replace all the negative words into positive, even if you want to say a no, let your words flow in such way that it won’t hurt someone else, eventually, you will see your life changing and this will be for your better.

Take a social media break: This time surprise your parents by doing this on your own, we are so busy with our virtual lives that we don’t spend the “me” time with self. And it’s not only about surprising our parents or giving them your time, but it’s also about you this will help you grow your bond with them, and grow your bond with your better self.

Hunt for a healthy distraction: Healthy distraction intends something which will let you learn something new. Stop searching for unhealthy distractions because these things will be a temporary distraction but not what will help alter you into a happier you.

Take care of your health: Health is the real wealth, the most important tip for self-care is to take care of yourself, when you are not happy with your health then you are not going to be happy with anything else. Go for regular body checkups, take care of your skin, intake multivitamins regularly to protect you from deficiency related diseases. Vitalize your body with Fast&Up Multivitamins #Vitalize

It is a complete Multivitamin drink whose daily intake is the first step to a healthy you! This supplement is in the form of an effervescent tablet and this effervescence serves you with healthy fizz and is available in refreshing orange flavor.

Pamper yourself with a healthy multivitamin supplement — Fast&Up Vitalize, which is recommended by nutritionists, health experts, and athletes for a complete health drink!

Click here to get it now and start your self-care journey.

Original Source- http://bit.ly/2XlGXST



Why effervescent tablets?

An effervescent tablet is a Water and Fizz game, which will give you positive results, how? Because Fizzy is the new healthy!

Effervescent tablets offer many interesting and unique advantages and are much safer than normal tablets. Multivitamins, Energy drink, Hydration fuel are everyday essentials, might as well why not intake them in the safest and healthy way if we can.

Conventional Multivitamins like normal tablets are low in absorption and bioavailability, and we all know excessive intake of tablets are not good for the long run. They act as if they are feeding us with good health but it’s not true neither do they taste good. Where in effervescent tablets serves with healthy fizz.

Benefits of the effervescent tablet:

· Exciting taste: Effervescent tablet release fizz once dropped in water and effervescent tablets are available in different refreshing flavors which is very appetizing.

The chemistry between the fizz and the flavor is very exciting. Imagine the outcome of fizz and flavor coming together and all together serving you with an exciting taste and health both at the same time.

· Easy to Digest: Effervescent tablets are easy to digest because they are water soluble in nature, the tablet dissolves in the water itself that is before you consume, wherein other tablets digest after consumption and in many cases you may face many gastrointestinal issues or may create other digestion issues.

· Liquid intake shoots up: It’s a fact that we drink more when the water tastes good, the effervescent tablet contains flavors and fizz which makes water taste pleasant so we tend to drink more, which inevitably shoots up the liquid intake and maintain the balance of liquid in the body.

· Easy to consume: You don’t have to take many efforts, just drop one effervescent tablet in water, let it dissolve and your health fuel is ready to consume.

· Energy Booster: When we are tired we crave for water that means our body is dehydrated! What if you get a hydration fuel along with the water when you are already tired? Won’t you feel blessed?

Fast&Up Reload is a hydration fuel, Reload is in the effervescent tablet form, Reload is made with a perfect blend of Electrolytes, Antioxidants, and Carbohydrates, the unique combination of Maltodextrin and fructose which is in the ratio of 2:1 provides with instant and sustained energy.

Vitamin D3, Vitamin C and Calcium helps in reducing fatigue and muscle soreness.

Reload is available in three flavors namely Cola, Berry, and Citrus.

Reload is now Informed-Choice certified, it is a certification program which ensures you that the particular product is all banned substances free.

Fast&Up is up with many other supplements which are in the form of effervescent tablets.

Like Multivitamins, Bone health supplement, Vitamin C, pre-workout and post workout supplements.

All the supplements are available in different refreshing flavors.

Every product has different specifications to know more visit our website www.fastandup.in

Fast&Up can be your perfect Bucket of health, gift your loved ones a #BucketOfHealth and show them you care!

This time gift them something unexpected, you don’t really need any occasion to care for them or to love them right?

Original Source- https://www.fastandup.in/blog/benefits-of-effervescent-tablets

Fast&Up ropes in cricketer Mayank Agarwal as Brand Ambassador

Mumbai : Fast&Up has announced the signing of Indian Test Cricketer Mayank Agarwal as Brand Ambassador. The association comes at a time when Fast&Up is on the cusp of its next phase of growth focusing on a larger share of the fast-moving healthcare goods business in India.

After a record-breaking domestic season in 2017–18, which included over a 1000 runs within a single month and other consistent performances for both Karnataka & India A across formats, Mayank Agarwal received his maiden call to the Indian Test Team midway through the 2018–19 Border-Gavaskar Series in Australia.

Mayank’s gritty knock of 76 on Test Match debut in Melbourne, was the second-highest score by an Indian opener making his Test debut, overseas. After a promising start to Test Cricket, Mayank is looking to improve in all aspects of his game and represent India in white ball cricket as well.

Since its inception, Fast&Up has supported sportspersons, athletes and fitness enthusiasts, to promote active living and the importance of nutritional supplements for enhanced performance. The brand has actively focused on nurturing top quality athletes representing various sports under the aegis of ‘Fast&Up- Fit Squad’. The Fast&Up- Fit Squad is currently supporting over 100+ athletes across the country.

Vijayraghavan Venugopal, CEO, Aeronutrix Sports Products Private Limited shared his thoughts and said, “We are glad to sign the exceptionally talented cricketer, Mayank Agarwal as a Fast&Up brand ambassador. At Fast&Up, sports is our passion and we strive to identify and encourage talented athletes in their sports journey by ensuring their nutritional needs are met. We believe that Mayank has all the qualities to become a top performer for Indian cricket and we look forward to his engagement with Fast&Up.”

Talking about his association with Fast&Up, Mayank Agarwal said , “I take fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle very seriously, and it’s an honour for me to partner with India’s fastest growing sports nutrition brand as we share a common set of values. Fast& Up has a range of top quality nutrition products that will form an integral component in my training regime.”

Original Source- https://m.dailyhunt.in/news/india/english/tvnews4u-epaper-tvnews/fast+up+ropes+in+cricketer+mayank+agarwal+as+brand+ambassador-newsid-112225358

Mayank Agarwal Announced Brand Ambassador For Fast&Up

Jaipur : Kings XI Punjab’ Mayank Agarwal in action during the fourth IPL 2019 match between Kings XI Punjab and RajasthanRoyals at Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur on March 25, 2019. (Photo: Surjeet Yadav/IANS)

Mumbai, March 28 (IANS) Fast&Up, flagship sports nutrition brand of Aeronutrix Sports Products Private Limited, on Thursday announced the signing of Indian cricketer Mayank Agarwal as it’s brand ambassador.

Since its inception, Fast&Up has supported sportspersons, athletes and fitness enthusiasts to promote active living and the importance of nutritional supplements for enhanced performance.

The brand has focused on nurturing top quality athletes representing various sports under the aegis of ‘Fast&Up- Fit Squad’. The Fast&Up- Fit Squad is supporting over 100 athletes across the country.

Talking about his association, Mayank said: “I take fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle seriously. It’s an honour for me to partner with India’s fastest growing sports nutrition brand as we share a common set of values. Fast& Up has a range of top quality nutrition products that will form an integral component in my training regime.”

After a record-breaking domestic season in 2017–18, which included over a 1,000 runs within a single month and consistent performances for both Karnataka and India A across formats, Mayank received his maiden call to the Indian Test team midway through the 2018–19 Border-Gavaskar Series in Australia.

Original source- https://www.sportskeeda.com/cricket/fast-up-signs-mayank-agarwal-as-brand-ambassador

Fast&Up signs Mayank Agarwal as brand ambassador

Fast&Up, flagship sports nutrition brand of Aeronutrix Sports Products Private Limited, on Thursday announced the signing of Indian cricketer Mayank Agarwal as it’s brand ambassador.

Since its inception, Fast&Up has supported sportspersons, athletes and fitness enthusiasts to promote active living and the importance of nutritional supplements for enhanced performance.

The brand has focused on nurturing top quality athletes representing various sports under the aegis of ‘Fast&Up- Fit Squad’. The Fast&Up- Fit Squad is supporting over 100 athletes across the country.

Talking about his association, Mayank said: “I take fitness and leading a healthy lifestyle seriously. It’s an honour for me to partner with India’s fastest growing sports nutrition brand as we share a common set of values. Fast& Up has a range of top quality nutrition products that will form an integral component in my training regime.”

After a record-breaking domestic season in 2017–18, which included over a 1,000 runs within a single month and consistent performances for both Karnataka and India A across formats, Mayank received his maiden call to the Indian Test team midway through the 2018–19 Border-Gavaskar Series in Australia.

Original Source- https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/fast-up-signs-mayank-agarwal-as-brand-ambassador-119032800682_1.html