Sports Nutrition Supplements in India

Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley

Sports Nutrition Supplements

Sports Nutrition Supplements

You may not know who Edward Stanley was, and in all honesty, it doesn’t even matter. What matters is what he said and how much of it do you understand. However, if you are reading this blog, it is safe to assume that fitness is a lifestyle for you and staying healthy is your highest priority. If you play any king of sport on a pro level or follow a workout regime, you may want to enhance your performance in completely toxic-free ways. When people think about sports nutrition supplements, most of them think about muscle-building products. This blog brings to you a compilation of a few amazing sports nutrition supplements in India that do more than just helping you to gain weight.

Fast & Up Activate: This is pre-workout drink that prepares your body at that optimum level where you can gain the maximum benefits from your exercise session.

Fast & Up Recover: This is one of the essential sports nutrition supplements in India that allows your body to recover quickly following a workout session and go for the next one.

Fast & Up Reload: Anyone who understands fitness properly would say that staying hydrated is one of the crucial steps in benefitting from a workout. Fast & Up Reload ensures that your body remains hydrated under strenuous conditions.
The aforementioned sports nutrition supplements in India combined together form the best combination of products that can help you improve your fitness quotient.


Defeating the Racing Anxiety

Whether you are a complete novice or an experienced runner, race anxiety is bound to haunt you at some point. It is very much possible that there has been no such runner in the history of runners who hasn’t engaged in negative self-talk and brought their confidence down. Anxieties about a race are more common than one realizes. Most racers, if not all, at some point in their career feel like they are undertrained or just not good enough.
Running is a sport of the mind they say. It is more than just putting one foot forward the other, in fact, running takes incredible motivation and sheer determination. And when anxiety hits you, the psychological push that makes you run, can rather deter and fail you. During such times, even the most amazing energy gels for marathon wouldn’t be enough to give you the needed confidence.
Experts in this field have recognized of few of these race anxieties as the most common ones, which are explained later in the blog. We have also attempted to find ways to defeat those anxious thoughts. Read on to know the common racing anxieties and how can they be overcome.

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#Fear of being undertrained
If the next day brings along itself a majorly important race of your life, it is normal to feel jittery. However, if you are getting seriously anxious about it, it will most likely affect your performance. The key is to remember that the fear is just in your head and that you have no reason to feel undertrained. Prepare your body well for the upcoming race by taking energy gels for runners, designed especially to give runners a boost of energy when they feel tired.

#Fear of being slower than your competitors
Comparing yourself to other runners and anticipating being slower than them is the worst form of negative self talk. Such comparisons will lead you nowhere; rather distract you from doing your best. Your strategy should be to focus on your own game plan and not overthink about what your competitors are doing. Accept that there might be people who are faster than you, but your focus shouldn’t be on outdoing them. You should be working towards improving where you lack, without obsessing over what your competitors have. Keep energy gels for marathons handy for situations where you can’t fight off the anxiety and need an external boost.

#Breaking down in the middle of the race
The worst fear of a runner would be to fall apart in the middle of a race. It is also the fear that is most likely to come true if one allows their anxieties to get the best of them. Try to fight off distracting thoughts as hard as you can but if nothing works and you do find yourself lagging behind, consume instant hydration supplements like Fast & Up Reload and focus on your own breathing cadence. Remind yourself that this is not the end of the world and slowly pick up the pace.

#Fear of Failure
Fear of failure is common among all sportspersons, though it affects runners in a way like no other. Since running has a lot to do with the mental well-being, the fear of failure must be kept at bay. Experts say that change your focus from winning to gaining something else while running and realizing that you might not win the race. Always have a backup plan in your mind so that, when things don’t go exactly the way you want, you can have something else to work for. Always take along some of the best energy gels for running such as, Fast & Up Energize Malto Gel to keep you in good form during a race.

Fast & Up offers some of the very best energy gels in India to keep you in top form while participating in races. Marathon training hydration nutrition is crucial for any runner if they want to give their best. Apart from these external factors, a runner must keep the above-mentioned anxieties in check in order to stay focused. Instant hydration supplements or energy gels for runners can only alter your physical state during a race; the contributing psychological factors are solely in your own hands. A runner should have a good restful sleep on the night before a race with their mind free of fear.

4 Tips to Keep Yourself Fit For Running This Monsoon


People take up running for myriad reasons; some run to lose weight and become fitter while some run as professionals. Then there are folks who have taken up the activity to maintain a wellbeing of the mind along with body. Studies continue to prove that running is one of the best practices that can help people deal with depression and anxiety. Runners claim that running is no less relaxing than meditation. Whatever might be your reason for hitting the road, you will soon find that it is almost addictive. The runner’s high is certainly not a myth, and your craving for it won’t be dampened by the pouring skies. However, monsoons make it difficult to run is a fact. The trails are slippery, rain makes you slower and on a general level, monsoons just make you lazy. We have gathered the wisdom of runners who refuse to let monsoon stop them from enjoying what they do best, and compiled the essential information for you to run better this monsoon. Read on to find 4 important tips for running on rainy days.

Warm Up Indoors: Avoid the drizzle outside for as long as you can and warm up indoors. It is also advisable as by the time you will step outside in lower temperature, your body will already be warm. To make warming up especially effective, you can try Fast&Up Activate. This intelligent formula ensures that your body is prepped at its optimum level to make the maximum use of your run. Fast&Up Activate is a specially-designed pre-workout drink that enhances oxygen availability to muscles and prevents fatigue after running, among multiple other benefits.

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Recover from Exhaustion: What you do following a run is a crucial factor that decides the way how your next run will go. Your after-run habits should include drinking Fast&Up Recover, a special post-workout drink that aids in healing and repair of tired muscles. Its Essential Amino Acids are the very building blocks of proteins that build up your muscles.


Remember to Hydrate: Running in the rainy season may not make you as thirsty as it does on a dry day but that doesn’t mean that your body hasn’t lost water. Even during a downpour, running in your water-resistant gear will make you perspire, thereby making it crucial for you to stay hydrated. Fast&Up Reload is an excellent choice of combined electrolytes, carbohydrates, and antioxidants, that ensures a hydrated state for your body.

Boost your Immunity: Monsoons are undoubtedly beautiful, but they do not come only with positives. Rains bring along many infections with them, and getting sick during monsoon is a common occurrence. Make sure that you don’t let your running practice suffer due to this. In order to help your immunity get strengthened, Fast&Up Charge comes with a unique effervescent anti-oxidant formula. These tablets also help in growth and repair of ligaments, an absolute essential for runners.


Running gives you a sense of achievement. It makes you more self-confident as you set a goal and were able to finish it, especially if is against all odds. If you are a professional, climatic conditions and elements of nature can’t be an excuse. All the aforementioned Fast&Up products are intelligently-designed to keep you in the best shape so that you don’t miss a day of running, even in the monsoons.